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Rhode Island Futsal Summer League 2021
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Outdoor League:
The Rhode Island Futsal Summer League will play for five weeks with all teams guaranteed at least five games with 1st place and 2nd place teams play for the championship. Games will be played on Saturday and Sunday.
League Dates:​
July 17, 18, 24, 25, 31
August 1, 7, 8
Games will be played on Saturday and Sunday.
Dates are subject to change.
If it rains outside, games will be rescheduled.
League has final discretion.
$375.00 per team
Registration Closes:
July 6, 2021
Pierce Memorial Field, East Providence, RI
Boys - U8-U18
Girls - U8-U18
Age Groups:
Teams will be divided into boys and girls divisions.​
Single age groups
U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14;
HS JV (U15/16)
Varsity (U17/18)
Number of League Games:
Each team will be guaranteed 5 league games.
Top 2 teams in divisions play for the championship
Duration of Games:
Games will be 50 minutes
Two twenty-five minute halves
One time out per team per half
One minute each time out
Running Clock:
Only referee can stop the clock.
U.S. Youth Futsal Registration:
Coach / Team Manager
Visit the registration link for more details.


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