Proud Member of American Futsal Association
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the recommended roster size for a youth futsal team?
A: Most coaches roster 10 players per team.
Q: What is the maximum roster size?
A: 12 players per team.
Q: Can a player be doubled rostered?
A: Yes, as long as the player does not play in the same age group division. (example: Mary plays in the U12 and U14 divisions, but Mary cannot be rostered in more than one U12 team or more than one U14 team for that matter.)
Q: Is there a roster freeze?
A: Yes, the roster freeze dates are posted on the league page.
Q: What is the check-in process?
A: More details will be published once teams are registered. The R.I. Futsal League will have in-person check-in. The check-in process details will be emailed to all teams.
Q: What is the birth year registration?
A: New England Futsal Champions League is a American Futsal Association sanctioned league that follows U.S. Soccer 'Birth Year Registration'. You can find the chart for your reference under the 'General Info' tab at the top of the page or click here.